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November 20th to December 1st: It’s all coming together!

During the past two weeks, retouching and final matte-varnish was applied to 6 of the panel paintings.

Week 8 1


Week 8 2

The panels were returned to St. Mary Magdalene Church, and a protective membrane applied to the verso of the panels. 

Week 8 3 and 4 

The panels were then re-installed into the reredos.  

Week 8 5

Fills and retouching were also carried out to the reredos to restore the intended apdecorative patterns and colour field. 

Week 8 6 and 7

Cleaning was also carried out to the Aumbry, and fine mortar repairs carried out to the losses. 

Week 8 8 and 9

Week 8 10 and 11