When somebody falls ill, it can affect their faith. This makes it even more important to visit those in need so they can experience God’s love, kindness and compassion in a very special and personal way. It also allows that individual to freely ask questions about their Christianity, should they want to. If you or someone you know would benefit from a visit please contact Rev'd Gillian via
Prayer and Anointing
This is a quiet, prayerful and gentle ministry of love, offered in a safe, caring and supportive environment to those who come asking for God’s help.
Home Communion
It is possible to have Holy Communion brought to people’s homes. This is most often done for those who are unwell, but we are very willing to bring communion to those who are housebound for whatever reason. When we bring communion to your home, we use bread and wine blessed at a previous Sunday service, and as we say our prayers and receive the body and blood of our Lord in your home, so we unite with the whole of God’s family.
End of Life Ministry
End of life is generally a time that spirituality and religion assumes a heightened significance, although it might be that some gentle reassurance is appreciated. We can visit those in the final stages of their life, and be with them to help deepen their relationship with God. In their last moments, we can read their Last Rites, and offer support and guidance to their friends and family during this difficult time.
Spiritual Counsel & Confession
Many people find the need to seek spiritual council from time to time. We all accumulate baggage as we walk the journey of life, and if we are not careful, this baggage can move us away from God and each other. This is why spiritual council is so important, as it offers the chance to confide in someone we know will not betray our trust. As such, we are able to offer confidential spiritual guidance whenever you may need it.
If we can offer any outreach or pastoral care, please contact Penny Griffin (Lay Pastoral Minister) -